On Sunday, October 27, all children are invited to dress in costume of their favorite saint. Children will receive a special blessing during Mass, and will have a chance to share about their saint during atrium sessions and/or Children's Liturgy of the Word.
Fall Faith Formation for children and teens began last month, but it's not too late to sign up. Register at the links below. Please note: First Communion and Confirmation in the Diocese of Memphis requires two years of preparation. For more information, please contact Christina at cklyce@stpeterchurch.org or Heather at hmcguire@stpeterchurch.org.
The Catholic Charities Hunger Relief Program is in critical need for canned tuna and chicken. 4.5 ounce easy open pouches or pop-top style cans. Please bring your donations and place in the box in the back of the church. Thank you!
Please join us for a special presentation with Fr. Nicholas Reynolds OP. Wednesday, July 31 at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Free parking available in front of the church on Adams or across the street in the parking lot with St. Peter parking sign. (Signs available in the Parish Hall) Enter through the courtyard and continue through the double glass doors to the Parish Hall. Light supper provided. All welcome!
Join us for an Organ Recital concluding the Centennial Year of St. Peter Church's historic 1923 Casavant Pipe Organ, Opus 968, featuring Patrick A. Scott, Director of Music & Organist at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Memphis, TN, and Artistic Director for the Memphis Boy & Girl Choir. Dessert reception to follow. For more information, please contact Jane Scharding Smedley at mrsjane@stpeterchurch.org.
New and improved St. Peter Vehicle Decals are now available. Pick up your window cling in the back of church after Mass. Contact the church office at 901-527-8282 if you would like one mailed to you.
This summer at St. Peter we are offering CGS training for catechists and catechist assistants in our parish at a variety of times. In addition the Good Shepherd Center is offering an Atrium Assistant Workshop on Monday, July 8 at 9:30 a.m. This workshop is for catechists and assistants working with children ages 2-12 and will meet at St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School. For more information, please contact Christina Klyce at cklyce@stpeterchurch.org.
All are invited to join us for the Ordination of Br. Carlos this Saturday, June 15 at 10 AM. Reception following in the Parish Hall. Fr. Carlos will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving, the next day, Sunday, June 16 at 11:00 AM.
You may park in the lot across the street for free with a St. Peter Church decal, hang tag or sign. We'll have extra available for those who need one. Enter via the office/rectory door. We hope you can join us!
The Nursery will be closed this weekend. Children's Liturgy of the Word will meet during both Sunday Masses, and toddlers are welcome. The church office will be closed on Monday, May 27.
Interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Or maybe you are thinking of joining or being confirmed? Or maybe you just want to learn more about what we believe and how we pray. This summer, our parish RCIA/OCIA group is meeting once a month on Wednesday evenings. On next meeting is July 17. All sessions will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Christina at cklyce@stpeterchurch.org. We hope you can join us!
Would you like to join our Prayer Ministry Team? Members receive a weekly Flocknote(email) with prayer intentions of our parish. They are invited to pray at home (on their own or with their family) and/or to join in prayer in a parish group (such as the Zoom Rosary). To sign up, please email Christina at cklyce@stpeterchurch.org. All prayers welcome!
On Easter Sunday, we will have Children's Liturgy of the Word at both 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. There are no Atrium Sessions, Confirmation Class or Youth Study. The Nursery will be closed. All are invited to the Easter Egg Hunt immediately following 8:30 Mass.
The Easter Bunny is coming to St. Peter! Our parish Easter Egg Hunt will be on Easter Sunday, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, and all children are invited.
Please join us for our Lenten Adult Faith Formation Study. We will meet on Sundays March 3, 10, 17, and 24 at 9:45 in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!
There will be no faith formation for children or teens on Sundays, March 10 and 17 due to the Spring Break Holiday. The Nursery/Toddler Atrium will be closed. Have a blessed Spring Break!
This Saturday, during the 5 PM Mass we will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our 8th Graders. Please join us to welcome Bishop David Talley to our parish and support our young people. Come, Holy Spirit!
Calling all singers - Easter Choir is just a hop away! Add your voice for the holiest time of our Faith: Palm Sunday - Holy Thursday- Easter Vigil- Easter Sunday! Rehearsals on Wednesdays, February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20 at 7 p.m. (Attend at least 3) To sign up, please contact Jane Scharding Smedley at mrsjane@stpeterchurch.org or 901-527-8282. We hope you can join us!